Our capabilities support the key pillars of the national biodefense strategy to help global efforts to detect, prevent, respond and recover in the event of biological terrorism. We approach this mission space using public heath methodologies and innovative solutions.

Alexa-RE biodefense services leverages military operational and scientific experiences. We currently collaborate across the Office of the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Chemical and Biological Defense, Defense Threat Reduction Agency and the Defense Health Agency on direct support to the warfighter on issues of chemical and biological detection and threat and risk analysis.

Alexa-RE provides support on the current National Biodefense Strategy that involved multiple government agency involvement. The DoD biodefense responsibilities are identified and the impact on health policies are being assessed. On an ongoing bases USG agencies continue to collaborate on biodefense efforts and information sharing to include data, technologies and memorandums of understanding in support of stakeholder interests.

Alexa-RE’ has supported the DoD on developing a better global perspective of biodefense and the need to better understand and manage the global spread of disease and identifying technologies and tools to counter epidemics. The scope of biodefense continues to be better defined and increasingly the lines are blurred between natural occurring disease events and intentional disease events.

Person-to-person transmission no longer is bound by borders, countries or regions, rather the new reality for bioterrorism requires both a global perspective and an individual level consideration for appropriate countermeasures and protection.

Alexa-RE played a role in assessing the threat of the Ebola outbreak to National Security and how to best prevent the person to person spread beyond the infected African countries. Assessing policies, procedures and infection control practices served as a preliminary approach, however technologies needs were recognized. Alexa-RE has comprehensive understanding of surveillance, detection, diagnostics and technology which provides insight into current solutions, but more importantly innovative strategies for future technology developments.