About Us

Alexa Research and Engineering provides a comprehensive range of technical and professional services to our customers to meet their needs and help them achieve mission and enterprise success. We offer an innovative, forward-thinking, and a proven strategic approach to drive efficiencies and innovation to support all elements of public health, management, and operations cycles.


We developed a number of products in support of our customers:

Medical Intelligence Approach to Disease Surveillance Training:

Using the Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (IPB) format to identify public health signatures and indicators within a military framework that have biodefense significance.

Contractor Orientation and Coaching Program:

Equips contractors assigned to DoD clients the mindset, perspective, insight and competencies required to effectively provide sustained professional & scientific services.



Our capabilities support the key pillars of the national biodefense strategy to help global effort to detect, prevent, respond and recover in the event of biological terrorism. We approach this mission space using public health methodologies and innovate solutions.

Public Health

Our public health focus provides experience and proven capabilities in epidemiology, global disease surveillance, disaster preparedness and occupational and environmental health.

Data Science & IoT

We develop and leverage existing information technology solutions to allow for secure and scalable enterprise colaboration, integration and data services. Our solutions support the sharing of real-time information, provide comprehensive biodefense solutions and empower decision markers with near real-time information and risk understanding..

Clients & Partners


Satellite office

Arlington, VA


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